How to apply for a Family Visit Visa to UK
If you have a family member in UK you can make an application to visit them in UK. You need to prove the relationship and also needs to submit an invitation letter from your relative inviting you to visit them in UK along with other requirements of the UK family visit visa rules.
The following relatives are normally classified as family members for the UK family visit visa purposes.
- spouse, civil partner, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister;
- grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter;
- spouse or civil partner’s father, mother, brother or sister;
- son or daughter’s spouse or civil partner;
- stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister; or
- a person you have been living with in a genuine and subsisting relationship, like
marriage or civil partnership, for at least 2 years before the day you apply.
Requirements for a UK family visit visa
The applicant must satisfy the immigration officer that they are a genuine visitor.
This means that the applicant:
- should leave the UK at the end of their visit; and
- will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits, or
make the UK their main home; and - is genuinely seeking entry for a purpose that is permitted by the visitor routes and
- will not undertake any prohibited activities like work in UK
- must have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to their visit
without working or accessing public funds. This includes the cost of the return or
onward journey, any costs relating to dependants, and the cost of planned activities
such as private medical treatment and accommodation while in UK.
What are the documents required for a UK family visit visa application ?
The basic documents required for a UK family visit visa application are follows :
- Passport of Applicant.
- Photos of the applicant
- The copy of Passport of sponsor showing UK residency.
- 3 -6 months Bank statements of sponsor
- 3- 6 months payslip of the sponsor.
- Tenancy agreement or title deed of property of sponsor as proof of accommodation.
- Council tax bill of sponsor as proof of address
- Documents showing the personal and financial circumstances of the applicant.
- Documents showing relationship between the sponsor and the applicant.
- Applicant’s bank statements or documents showing financial status.
How to apply for a UK visit visa ?
The UK Visit visa applications have to be made online. You need to fill and submit the online application form, pay the relevant fees and then arrange for an appointment at the nearest VFS office. On the day of your appointment you need to submit your passport, passport photos together with a printed online application form and the relevant documents.
How can we help you with UK family visit visa application?
At Poul & Minnaa we are experts in processing family visit visa application and can assist with your visa application for a reasonable fees. We will undertake:
- A detail assessment of your case considering your particular circumstances.
- Explain you the visa process and the requirements..
- Assist you in preparing all the necessary documents required for the application.
- Prepare your online application form and the necessary documentation and help you with the submission of the same.
- Arranging the payment of the application fees and appointment at the visa office.
- Help you to prepare a covering letter in support of the application with the necessary legal points under the UK immigration law.
- Will assist you in submitting the application at the relevant VFS office, and
- Finally, can check and update you on the progress of your application.
Please contact us to discuss your application process with us at
If you need to speak to us our telephone numbers are 0484 2356680, 2356681 and our mobile number is 9995254974.
Please note that the UK immigration rules can change from time to time and therefore please check the UKVI website for the latest information before you submit any application.
UK Government has refused my visit visa applications repeatedly. What should I do and how can you help?
UK visit visa applications are complicated and can be refused if you do not submit the relevant documents and therefore can result in a refusal. The easiest and successful way to get a UK visa immediately is to resubmit your application with the relevant documents. We at Poul and Mina have more than nine years of experience as on 2018 and have processed thousands of UK visa applications. We have expertise in processing successful visa applications and can assist you if your visa is refused. Please send us a copy of the refusal letter together with your telephone number to our email address and a dedicated member staff will contact you as soon as possible. We will be able to advise you what necessary steps have to be taken in submitting new application and can assist you in submitting your new visit visa application.
If your visit visa application has been repeatedly refused by Home Office we will be able to help you in overturning these decisions. In some cases we can help you to submit application which will generate an appeal right before an immigration Tribunal in UK who then will be able to verify whether your visa application has been turned down without proper scrutiny.
I live outside Kerala. Can you help with UK visit visa applications from outside Kerala?
Yes of course. Even if you are based outside Kerala, we can still assist you with your UK visit visa application from any part of India. Please send us an email with the relevant details and your telephone number and we can contact you and assist you in your dream to enter the UK as a visitor.
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Contact Us
Poul & Minnaa
Faith Towers, SA Road,
Near South Over Bridge
Ernakulam- 682016
Tel: 0484 2356680
Mob: 9995254974